Saturday, December 14, 2013

Something from the Guy Above

it's been months since I posted here, as I can see, my blog has been viewed 24 times. *yehey, thanks for dropping by*

anyway, I have recently passed the LET. Somehow I was fearing that I would not make it.
Add all the suspense of waiting for PRC to release the results.
It is really something from the Guy Above.

To tell you the truth, my birthday wish was to pass LET, I don't know why since I'm not an Education graduate.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

something for nothing

in a futile attempt to get off boredom, I seemed to have create a blog. *thanks blogger*

been contemplating on making one, but rested on the fact of, who would read? or more of who would be the clientele?

for starters,
I'm a Gamer.
I love to play basketball.
I'm an I.T. Graduate.

well, f**k it.